2nd Grade Suggested Supply List
Some supplies will be put into a general supply box for all to use. Refer to the list below. For these items, please do not put your child’s name on them. This will reduce incidents of having supplies borrowed and not returned or returned broken or misused. As for the supplies specifically for your child’s use, you are welcome to label them, and they will be returned to him/her at the end of the school year.
Supply wish list for whole class use:
1. 1 box of plain No. 2 pencils (Ticonderoga are the best kind!)
2. 1 package of black dry erase markers
3. 1 package of sheet protectors
4. 1 container of hand sanitizer
5. 1 ream of copy paper
6. 1 box of Kleenex
7. 1 container of baby wipes
8. 1 bag of starburst Candy
Supplies Specifically for your child’s use:
1. 1 inch WHITE 3 ring view binder
2. Wireless mouse (Logitech brand preferred)
3. Headphones
4. Backpack (no rolling backpacks please)
Lastly, our classroom is supplied with a class set of scissors, rulers, and a pencil sharpener. These items are not required and should not be brought to school.
Thank you! Second Grade Team!